Friday, September 26, 2008

Need Unlimited Traffic to Your WebSite?

Turn your articles into 7 different formats...

This Article is by Super Affiliate Rosalind Gardner. Read her amazing story below and get her Super Affilate Handbook.

Did you know that you can get ten times more reach out of your articles simply by turning them into different formats? Here's how...

1. Turn your articles into podcasts. With services like Feed2Podcast, you can translate your existing RSS feed into podcasts, which can then be submitted to podcast directories like iTunes. Other websites that offer this service include,,, and

2. Turn your articles into exe (executable) files. By turning your article into an exe file, it is now considered software, which allows you to submit it to hundreds of software directories. You can turn your articles into EXE files using some free software called WebSiteZip Packer. This software will allow you to turn an HTML page into a solid executable file (.exe) with an integrated HTML browser. This alone can bring you hundreds of extra visitors and subscribers. You can also use this technique to build your subscriber list quickly by requiring people to register before they are able to read your ebook.

3. Convert each of your articles into a PowerPoint presentation and post it at Slideshare has a Page Rank of 7 and an Alexa ranking of below 2,000. This site gets a lot of traffic and it has a lot of ranking power. If you want people to click through to your site from your presentation, be sure to include a link to your site at the beginning and end of your PowerPoint. Plus, make sure each link is underlined in blue to increase click-through rate. As always, the key here is to provide value. Simply take a few key points from your article and turn them into Powerpoint slides with text and pictures. Quick Tip: If you want to get even more traffic from Slideshare, write a 2-part article. You would post the first part of your article as a Powerpoint presentation at Slideshare. Then at the end, you would link to Part 2.

4. Turn your article into a video. This simple strategy can get you lots of exposure from sites like YouTube, Google Video, and MetaCafe. In fact, you can even use your Powerpoint slide from Slideshare and simply add audio to your presentation. Then load it up to the top video-sharing sites. I would also recommend that you place the actual text of the article in the description of the video. This will help you to rank for your desired keyword phrases in Google. Please don't take this technique for granted. It might seem fairly simple, but it's extremely powerful.

5. RSS. I'm going to show you how to use the power of RSS to stretch your content and exposure. You're going to be creating a number of customized RSS feeds and submitting them to the top RSS feed directories. This will bring you extra visitors, plus lots of link love. Now, if your article is not on a site that provides an RSS feed, you can use a service called Dapper. Dapper can create a feed from any website. To get started, post your article to Squidoo, Google Knol, HubPages,,,, Tumblr, Weebly, Terapad, WetPaint, PbWiki, Wikispaces, and WikiDot. Those are just a few of the main ones. Once you've submitted your content to these sites, grab the RSS feed and submit it to all the different RSS directories. If a site doesn't automatically create an RSS feed for you, then use Dapper to have one created.

6. Turn your article into a PDF. You can post PDF versions of your articles to Scribd, eSnips, DocStoc, Calameo, Issuu, Yudu, FreeIQ, and for increased exposure.

7. Turn your articles into a widget. A widget is a mini Internet application that can be easily placed into web pages, Facebook profiles, Myspace pages, start pages, and more. But don't worry if you don't know how to program. You can instantly turn your blog into a widget at You can then promote your widgets at the following sites...

  • Google Widget Directory
  • Yahoo Widgets
  • Friendster Widget Directory
  • WidgetBox
  • SpringWidgets
  • Widget Gallery
  • Snipperoo Widget Directory
  • RateitAll Widgets
  • Netvibes Widget Diretory
  • Widgepedia
  • Xanga Widget Directory

You can also use WidgetBox to then turn your widget into a Facebook application with App Accelerator. With the use of Dapper and WidgetBox, you can basically turn any web page into a Facebook application. Facebook applications have the potential to send thousands of visitors to your site per day.

It's just a matter of being creative and taking action. So, start turning your article into multiple formats and multiply your exposure. For step-by-step videos on how you can get front page rankings within 24 hours, go to

SuperAffiliateHandbookRead the amazing true story of how one woman, with no previous business experience, earned $436,797+ in 2002 and now earns MUCH MORE than that ... just by selling other people's stuff online!

In her down-to-earth, sincere and often humorous style, Rosalind Gardner guides you through the entire process of building an affiliate marketing business on the 'Net.

Frequently revised and updated to reflect industry changes, the Super Affiliate Handbook now consists of 236 pages and 124 screenshots that will show you step-by-step how to become a Super Affiliate. You'll learn how to pick the best affiliate programs, negotiate a commission raise and save time, money and effort on everything from affiliate software to web hosting.

To learn exactly how she does it, Click Here.

More useful articles from low tech to high tech are on Simply Reviews.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

9 Free Market Research Sites and Services

Super Affiliate Rosalind Gardner ( you may read her story below) came up with the list, I just edited the list based on my experience.

How do you know what people want to buy online?

Fortunately, a number of sites make answering that question very simple by publishing weekly, monthly, and annual trends; interest comparisons, top lists and market research reports. Various online services publish the number of times keywords and phrases are searched over a given period of time.

Here are 9 of my favorite market research sites and services.

  1. Google's Zeitgeist shows weekly, monthly, and annual trends and patterns based on the millions of searches conducted through Google's search engine. Zeitgeist by Country is also available on a monthly basis.
  2. Google Trends lets you compare the world's interest in your chosen niche markets.

    For example, I entered 'coffee' and 'tea' and discovered some significant spikes in the interest in coffee (shown in the graphic below).

    You may enter up to five topics and see how often they've been searched for on Google over time. It also displays how frequently your topics have appeared in Google News stories, and which geographic regions have searched for them most often.

  3. lists their 10 Top Titles on their homepage.

    At the time of writing, these included Sports Illustrated For Kids, Time, People, InStyle, Woman's Day, Money, Newsweek, Sports Illustrated, Women's Health and Disney Adventures.

    So what topics do we see there? Sports, general news, women's issues, fashion, kids and finances.

  4. eBay Pulse is a daily snapshot of current trends, hot picks, and cool stuff on eBay, listing popular searches, largest stores and most watched items.

    Alhtough eBay Pulse page shows an overview of the entire eBay marketplace, you can use the drop-down menu to refine and filter the lists to show content for specific categories on eBay.

  5. Yahoo's Buzz Index focuses on the entertainment industry, providing their most popular searches on a daily basis for actors, movies, music, sports, TV and video games.
  6. comScore Networks provides insight into consumer behavior and attitudes by compiling reports based on a global cross-section of more than 2 million consumers who have given comScore explicit permission to capture their browsing and transaction behavior, including online and offline purchasing.

  7. JupiterResearch provides research, analysis and advice to help guide technology vendors and service providers on market opportunity. Guest access is available, however, to quickly gain access to salient sections of recent Jupiter Research reports, try Googling "jupiter research ____" (_____) being the name of the topic you wish to study.

  8. Google Adwords Keyword Tool is also a free tool that reports on search performance and seasonal trends on keywords and keyword phrases that you enter into the search box. Statistics show the relative amount of users searching for that keyword on Google.

    Google Adwords Keyword Tool
  9. WordTracker Free Keyword Tool shows you exactly what people are looking for online by showing you exactly which keywords and phrases they're searching for. Wordtracker's suggestions are based on over 330 million keywords and phrases that people have used over the previous 90 days.

SuperAffiliateHandbookRead the amazing true story of how one woman, with no previous business experience, earned $436,797+ in 2002 and now earns MUCH MORE than that ... just by selling other people's stuff online!

In her down-to-earth, sincere and often humorous style, Rosalind Gardner guides you through the entire process of building an affiliate marketing business on the 'Net.

Frequently revised and updated to reflect industry changes, the Super Affiliate Handbook now consists of 236 pages and 124 screenshots that will show you step-by-step how to become a Super Affiliate. You'll learn how to pick the best affiliate programs, negotiate a commission raise and save time, money and effort on everything from affiliate software to web hosting.

To learn exactly how she does it, Click Here.

More useful articles from low tech to high tech are on Simply Reviews.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

50 Ways to Take Your Blog to the Next Level

I/We use blogging as a way "get the word out" on the new items at our 450 websites and sometimes we happen to add something useful our readers can really use.

If you blog, then you should read Chris Brogan's 50 Ways. The link is below for you also.

Blogging is as varied in its applications as using the telephone or taking a picture. The tool doesn’t predict the output. You might be using your blog to post recipes, or to inform the local community about information you find elsewhere on the web. Maybe you’re just trying your hand at writing, and the web is as good a place as any.

If you’re looking to go beyond that, however, you’ll need to take steps to improve your blog from at least five different perspectives. In 50 Ways to Take Your Blog to the Next Level, I wanted to share my thoughts on how you should consider your goal, your design, your content, how you promote it, and the business aspects of your blog. Please add to these ideas in the comments, and let’s grow the list out.

Google: The Day Google Became #1

I just read this from Michael Campbell:

Seems like only yesterday that Infoseek, Alta
Vista, Excite and the others ruled the search
engine world. Oh how the mighty have fallen.

Like a clear cut forest, Google's chain saw cut
down everything in its path. Yahoo kept buying
crap without having a clear idea what to do with it
once they bought it. MSN waddled along like a big
bloated bimbo where even the paper clips were
designed by committee. Sigh!

All jabbing aside, if you'd like to take a quick
trip down memory lane, here's an SEO list that
I used to maintain. Yes kids, gather round and I'll
tell you a story... 'twas way back in May 31 2001,
that Google became the #1 search engine.

Seriously... if you're in the mood for a little
nostalgia, reminisce this ancient SEO List from
the past. Just like flipping through an old photo
album, it's good for a laugh.

Search Engine List 2001

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Rank on Google's 1st Page Use Free Classified Ads

The summer is over and we are back to work.

SCT Products, who are we? We have a bricks and mortar
office-warehouse in San Diego, CA. Our company has two divisions an
I.T. Infrastructure Division and a Security Camera Division.
We geographically service the entire
Southern California region.

I, Mark Young, write these newsletters and I am the Chief Revenue
Officer for the company. I am a voracious daily reader, mostly
business the internet, baby boomers, and Boxer Dogs. This newsletter
and my blog ( are my outlets
to share what I read.

Some of you subscribe our email updates by being valued customers,
some of you found us on ebay or maybe one of our 450 websites.

Each of our newsletters will always have the quote of the week, a
cool FREE web tool and an idea for small businesses. Sometimes,
there will be a review of a product we use, the range of reveiws
will be from low tech to high tech.

1. Quote of The Week:

There's never a lack of opportunity thanks to others lack
of initiative...Dan Kennedy

2. Cool FREE Web Tool:
-With the popularity of classified ad sites,
submitting to all of them can be tedious and time consuming. This
site has a free version and a $5 monthly version. This site will
submit your ads to all the classified ad sites.

3. Business Idea:

This idea relates to the above web tool
By using classified ads for your service or products and
using your "keywords" in the title of your classified ad,you
will rank on the first page of Google. This is a way to rank
quickly and drive immediate traffic to your site.

Thanks for spending a few minutes with us.

Follow me on:

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Google Accounts for 71% of All US Searches in August!

Hitwise reports that Google has accounted for 71% of all US searches in the month of August., an increase of over 11% since its market share last year. Yahoo got 18.26% market share, MSN 5.32% and ended with 3.45% of all US searches.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Network Cabling Videos-How To Videos

Los Angeles Network Cabling Videos

Subjects Discussed and Demonstrated with Video All on One Website:

1. In this short video I refer you to a video in my "additional resources" playlist, demonstrating how to make an RJ45 Network Cabling Ethernet Cable. I also discuss why patches are rarely made in the IT world and why you should learn the process anyway.

2. TigerTV Host Logan Loves Cables...perhaps a little too much. But this vice for him is an opportunity for you?to learn the ins and outs of do-it-yourself cable installation. Go ahead and watch this informative Tiger How-To might help you the next time you're in charge of a home or office network cabling in Los Angeles! Watch, Learn, and Enjoy!

3. How much does enterprise network cabling cost? How much does enterprise network cabling cost?Shows how category 6A and 7A are better cabling choices for many businesses.

Our Squidoo Lens on Network Cabling

Our HubPage on Network Cabling